I'm 41 years old but feel like a kid again!
I lost my agent in early September because I didn't feel confident in my words anymore. Since the Pitch Wars deadline was fast approaching, I decided to enter it *and see* if something in my manuscript was salvageable. I told myself if I didn't get any requests I'd shelve it. If I got any bites at all I would at least attempt to query it.
Two days after the deadline I received my first and only full request. I was ecstatic! It felt really good to be noticed and acknowledged even a little. I sent the manuscript to the mentor right away. In the meantime, I started working on some new projects.
#DVpit happened to be right before the #PitchWars mentee announcement, so I pitched the book on a different Twitter account just to get some momentum going in case Pitch Wars didn't work out.
I got over 20 agent likes! I sent 9 queries out the next day. The following day, I got a full request, and there were no rejections. I swear, I spend so much time worrying about what others will think of my writing that it paralyzes me.
So far, this manuscript has taught me that I need an agent who is nurturing and encouraging. I need someone who will help me snap out of my sad (read: "I suck") funks. The agent I had was so patient with me and she's a fantastic agent to so many amazing writers. It was not her fault that I lack confidence in my own ability. This was just a fork in the road. I truly believe that.
Last night, mentees were announced, and I'm now officially in the Pitch Wars Class of 2019! I can hardly believe it. Writing can break you. It can bring you to your knees and leave you there to drown in your pathetic tears.
Your words can also save you. They can pick you up and show you that you are actually better than you think you are.
I can't wait to go on this journey with my fabulous mentor, Kathleen Barber. I'm ready to learn and WERK.